With Accountability Redefined, the Solutions Galore!

Services Aiding Your Business

After years of silent functioning and the confidence earned through our satisfied clients, we are now approaching the prospective clients, with our highly refined Services like JS Smart Accounting, Sales Profitability Enhancement Services along with a host of other value added services.

We have extended our portfolio to cater to a much wider spectrum by involving experienced and acclaimed domain experts.

Foreign Trade Consultancy

It can be said that the small, medium and micro enterprises (SMEs) have always been the backbone of the Indian economy contributing nearly 29% to the GDP and plans are afoot to raise this even to 50 % of the GDP


This service was originally started at the behest of our JS Smart Accounting clients whose efficiency and accounting standard levels took a leap upwards after the implementation of the service

Start Up Consultancy

Many entrepreneurs who have the right business idea and the resources to achieve it, may find many of their efforts in setting up the enterprise, too daunting and not entirely worth their direct involvement

JS Smart Accounting

This is a comprehensive analysis covering

followed by a compilation of findings with shortcomings, errors, system failures, if any and the corrective actions

Sales Profitability Enhancement

We at JS Consultancy LLP, believe there is always a chance that profitability can be improved internally, if you cannot demand it anymore from the market. Through this service ,we look out for such possibilities where we assess the existing Business plans of the organization for its effectiveness through extensive data mining measures

Statutory Services

Almost all the entrepreneurs have their origins in dreams, who thought big and ventured out with unflinching belief in their business ideas. It is painful to note that many of the businesses, after their initial success get into trouble due to lack of appropriate attention to the statutory commitments

JS Consultancy Services LLP is primarily an Association of Accounting and Finance Professionals, whose contributions in Smart Accounting through Innovative Measures in Real Time Accounting, Data Analysis and SOP Preparations have proved beneficial to many customers in Service, Retail and Manufacturing fields by improving their Profitability, Efficiency and the overall Organisational Excellence.

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